Darkness…………..Darkness everywhere

The rain lashing against the willows

The wind blowing with all its might

The owls hooting madly

This place seems so creepy!!

As the darkness envelops my spirit and surroundings

I stand alone……….faraway from my land

Not even a single firefly to show me the way

Not even ray of hope to lighten my worries

I realize………….now………….I’m in hell

Leaving my earthly life,

I’ve reached hell

The ghastly place of punishment……

Blood sucking vampires flew past me

Warning me of an unknown fate

Fate???Do I-a mere shadow of me-have a fate?

I need someone,oh god,I needa company

Never leave me here,never isolate me in this devilish moor

Beat me,whip me,put me on fire

But never leave me here

I scream at the top of my voice

Heaven forbid!!i’ve lost my voice

I’ve lost my face,my body

I’ve lost my existence…………

I kneel before you my lord

If only I could turn back time

I would have erased all my mistakes

I plead your mercy my lord,

dont leave me here

I wait for your judgement-the final judgement.


4 Responses to " ":

Anoop Prakash / Anu says:
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Abhilash.M.G.Poovathur says:

Mmmmmmm..... I like it... Not the commend... The poem.

Unknown says:

nice imagination

suResh says:

good stuff sruthi..keep the thoughts going!!